The Great Reset, a Wretched Plan for Global Control

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Every year a group of elites from around the world come together for the World Economic Forum in Switzerland to talk about ways to help improve the world. But if you listen to what they discuss, it sounds like they are trying to come up with ways to control the world. There was mention about keeping track of everyone’s carbon footprint. knowing where they go and what they eat. Another mention of vaccines with chips that can easily be injected.

Klaus Schwab, the founder of the WEF has written a book about his ideas on resetting the world. His ideas follow a socialist one world governing body. Their slogan is, “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” Their plan is that we will all be taken care of by a one world governing body, yet whenever anyone is under the umbrella of another, the one providing holds the power to take away whatever and whenever from the dependent. If a one world government took care of its people, they will have the power to control the people.

We are already being spied on through Siri on our phones, Cortana on our PC or Alexa in our homes, which could be used as a tool to enforce control. It’s already happening in China through facial recognition to access bank accounts and with the creation of a country’s digital currency, people can be controlled all the more through freezing bank accounts in an instant. In addition to not owning anything, we will not have any privacy. Already, through technology, our privacy can easily be breached.

There are three parts to the Great Reset agenda, listed on their website:

  • #1 “Governments create a stakeholder economy. At a time of diminishing tax bases and soaring public debt, governments have a powerful incentive to pursue such action.” This sounds like their idea is to have the government own everything, which follows their slogan, “you’ll own nothing and be happy.”
  • #2 “Investments to advance shared goals. Implement large-scale spending programs. Europe, US, China and Japan have ambitious economic-stimulus plans. Creating incentives for industries to improve their track record on environmental, social, and governance ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) metrics.” This may involve government control over industries. There is already massive spending happening in our government causing major inflation.
  • #3 “Harness the innovations of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” The Fourth Industrial Revolution involves using technology like artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, bio-technologies, gene editing and advanced robotics. They want to integrate the physical, digital, and biological worlds. This reminds me of the metaverse and how Zuckerberg is involved in the WEF. If they are aiming for a seamless integration of physical and digital worlds, possibly altering DNA or maybe inserting chips into everyone, they can easily control the population and track our every step. As discussed in the WEF, they can track where we go and what we eat.

On their website, they have a wheel that stems from the central idea of the Great Reset. There are many topics that may infer a positive impact in the world. Although, “human rights,” is one of them, there are a few items on the list that could potentially breach our human rights, mostly concerning our privacy or freedom should we be governed under a heinous ruler. These would include:

  • A digital identity. Most of us currently carry a digital identity on our phone that has information about our health, a bio-metric record from our finger or face, financial information, where we live or work and what we look at on the internet.
  • Internet Governance. There is already a level of control over the internet, especially with communist countries. Information is already being controlled, being taken off certain sites and only allowing the preferred message remain.
  • Digital Economy and Blockchain. We already have digital currencies like crypto. China has come up with their own digital currency and other countries are in the process of introducing their own.
  • Artificial Intelligence and the future of healthcare: If you look at some of the WEF videos, they embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Their vision is that humans and technology will become one. Implanted or injected technology will be in our veins or within our bodies that it will repair itself to an extent. In the workplace, artificial intelligence or robots will take over certain human tasks and walk amongst us.
  • Global governance and International Security. A one world government will require a one world leader, supported by police. When one country has an evil dictator or flee to save their lives, they escape to other countries, but when there’s one leader over the entire world, there’s no where to go.
  • Geo-politics. According to Webster’s Dictionary, it is a study of the influence of such factors as geography, economics, and demography on the politics and especially the foreign policy of a state. Geopolitics was a Nazi doctrine used to justify its invasion and seizure of other lands.
  • Future of Food. Interestingly, Bill Gates who is a part of the WEF has bought most of the farmland in the United States and has invested greatly in impossible meat, aka, engineered foods. Genetically modified foods or GMOs can alter DNA.

The Great Reset Wheel

This might by hard to imagine for some, but it is already in the process. We don’t know who’s really in charge since the president seems to be mentally unaware at times and dependent on a teleprompter. This world that the WEF is trying to create may sound great to some in terms of equity or being taken care of by a government body, but for one group or one person to have the power to control the world sounds like an upcoming horror story. I can’t imagine any human being on earth would be able to handle that much power without completely loosing his or her mind. It was already horrific for someone like Hitler to try to rule a few countries, imagine someone like him ruling the world.

The people at the WEF need to stop thinking that they know what’s best for the people. If they really think that owning nothing will make people happy, then why aren’t they getting rid of everything they own? Not that it’s a bad thing to explore ways to help the environment, but it’s a blinding thought for any group of people to think that they should call all the shots for what will happen in the future, how we all should live or what will make us happy.

Technology has been a helpful part of life, but there’s a point where we may take it way further than it needs to be. Per the WEF video on the Fourth Industrial Revolution, their idea is that technology becomes integrated into human biology that, “we won’t know the difference between what’s artificial and what’s natural.” Genetically modified food that can alter DNA. It seems like this plan would be going against what God has intended: people living for a certain time frame, the warm fellowship of friends meeting in person and nutrition from pure UN-modified produce. If we will not own anything, that make others loose their motivation to succeed.

More about the Great Reset can be found on the WEF website.