Gut Feeling for a Miraculous Healing

About nine years ago I became allergic to wheat. I could not eat bread, cake, donuts, pizza and many other foods that contain wheat flour. If I ate just a tiny amount of those foods, I would swell up on the inside, have a headache, vertigo, IBS, or a rash for two weeks.

For someone who’s allergic to wheat, what happens is when it enters the colon, it makes the villi swell up for two weeks, which blocks it from absorbing nutrients. The body then becomes deprived of what it needs from food. For someone who’s allergic to wheat to continue to eat it can end up with diabetes or cancer.

If I had not spoke to a friend of mine who is allergic to wheat gluten, I would have never known what was happening to my body. She had been diagnosed with cancer twice and survived. After she recovered the second time, she withdrew from eating wheat gluten and afterwards, felt like she’s had been sick for so long. She has been cancer free ever since. It’s been nine years of gluten free eating for me. Although, here and there I get surprised when I unknowingly eat food with wheat flour.

Just to a make things more complicated, I started getting pressure right below the center of my rib cage. This would typically happen when I would eat or drink cold sweet dairy or spicy food. It would sometimes get really uncomfortable at night as I’m trying to sleep. After experience this on and off, I finally saw a doctor this Monday and she had me get an x-ray done just to make sure I’m free and clear of anything alarming and thank God, the x-ray was clear. She prescribed some pills that would decrease my stomach acid.

Two days later, I still hadn’t had a chance to get the pills. It was about that time of the day, time for the news and as I sifted through I saw the 700 club news. Thinking about how they pray at the end of the show and at times, they get a word from God for someone watching to be healed of anything physical, mental or emotional. For some reason, I felt that maybe tonight or some night they would have a word for me.

I casually thought about it and when Gordon started speaking, I heard him say, something about someone with problems with stomach acid, he went on about getting bloated, not being able to eat spicy foods, bread and pizza. Then he said God is healing your digestive system. At that moment, it wasn’t even him anymore as I felt the Lord in that moment. What timing! I had just been tested for wheat allergy and prescribed pills for stomach acid and now God heals me.

Even though it felt like God presence was in the room at that moment, I still had some skepticism so I decided to test it out the next day and today. I had cheese bread, focaccia bread, flour tortilla, semolina noodles and a hamburger with a regular bun on it. Each time, I did not get a headache, nor did I get stomach pains, bloating or a vertigo. I had been praying for the longest time for God to heal my digestive system and God has answered my prayer. It’s hard to make sense out of what has happened to my body, but it’s not supposed to, it’s a miracle. Miracles defy science. God really healed me. Hallelujah!

For those that have a similar request for healing, I ask that God will heal you as well. In Jesus name! Amen!