God’s Faithfulness in the Small Things

Photo by Matheus Bertelli on Pexels.com

Since June, I have been searching for a new car. It took a while for me to make up my mind on which car to buy. I must have test drove at least 7 cars. I then narrowed my list down to 3, then 2 and finally, after almost three months, I was down to 1. I was taking my time to look because my car still took me from point A to point B. As I wrote about last week, my check engine light turned on when I was on my way to the bank, which I’ve been meaning to ask about a car loan from for a long while, but kept putting it off. A few days later when I got really serious about buying, the light stopped showing.

I needed to search for the best price and I thought I found it in Los Angeles and that I had to drive down there, but of course I’d rather not do the long drive. I began to be interested in a newer model and couldn’t find a similar car close by, then all of a sudden I felt that I should expand my search by $3k and lo and behold, the same exact car, same color on the exterior and interior, around the same mileage, was an hour and a half drive away from me and, it was almost $2k less than the one in L.A. So I drove over there and they gave me a great deal on a trade in. I had to drive to the bank for the deposit and drive back. When I arrived to the bank, there was no one in line. Then I needed to use the bathroom, my cell phone was dying and I didn’t have a charger. The teller told me that the store next door had a bathroom so I went to the neighboring store and close to the bathroom was a rack of phone chargers. What perfect timing and placement!

It was a long drive and by the time I got back I was tired, hungry and they were about to close. I filled out the paperwork quickly on a tiny screen and thought I saw some numbers that seemed off. I kept thinking about it, started to feel anxious so I prayed, “Lord, I don’t feel good about the numbers, I think something is off. The fees seem way too high. If the numbers are really off and I’m being charged for something that I shouldn’t be changed for, please clear it up. Have the numbers person catch it and let me know. Amen!” My prayer was something like that. Anyhow, the day after, someone called and told me that I was charged for something I shouldn’t have been charged for because my down payment was large enough to not need it. Then I asked him if there were other fees included that were optional and he disclosed another add on. So sad that this place didn’t ask me about adding these additional options, but God bless the guy’s soul who called me about this. If it weren’t for him, that company would look so terrible. Overall, the optional fees taken off totaled to almost $5k.

Even if it’s just material, a car, God was along my side, opening doors, guiding me and after the phone call, wow, I mean…how often would you find someone that honest to do such a thing? I believe the Lord really spoke to him. God’s has been showing me His faithful hand over my life. What may seem like such a small thing, is really a big thing when it comes to the way the whole sequence of events come together and prayers get answered along the way.