Where Technology Needs to Stop

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

Technology has helped our lives in many ways, making living easier, innovations more possible and opening up many doors of exploration and discovery. We should all be thankful for the technology we use today that has improved work or life at home. My most valued piece of technology is the smart phone that has apps, which allows me to find any place anywhere at anytime, as long as I have a connection.

If technology has done so much for us, why not keep moving forward innovating into other areas? For the most part, we have all benefited, but at what point or areas in our life do we leave technology out?

There’s so many social media platforms and companies that provide email services, yet collect all your information. No longer do you have privacy or get to decide what they collect.

Then there’s the metaverse, a made up virtual world where people can escape reality and never meet with people face-to-face, but via avatar. A place where people can spend money buying virtual things that you will never get to wear, smell, taste or physically live in. How much time would we spend living and interacting with people outside of reality in a virtual body?

Impossible food

When it comes to our food, there are some delicious tasting drinks and desserts, yet are extremely processed, chemically formulated with ingredients that are hard to pronounce. As enjoyable as these foods may be, they can cause much harm to our body.

If our bodies were created to take on food in its pure or organic form, when we eat fake processed foods that our bodies do not recognize, it may not know what to do with it. The more fake or processed, the worst off it will be.

This whole impossible meat thing is marketed as a great thing, as if healthy. Now, fake-meat is being printed to look like real meat. Don’t eat meat, just eat vegetables that are highly processed, have lost almost all its nutrients and have preservatives added in to keep the fake meat patty preserved. It would be better to eat a portabella mushroom in place of a fake patty, at least it’s real and unprocessed.

Super humans

If not for technology in our food, it seems to be making its way into our bodies through other means, such as vaccines. Scientists have already created vaccines with nanotechnology. Imagine microscopic technology moving around your veins with the other cells in your body. The vision for the fourth industrial revolution seeks to create “super humans,” via nanotechnology in the body. This technology is supposed to heal or fix our body internally. In addition, the goal is to change the DNA of the body to allow humans to live for 1000 years. Who really wants to live for that long? Imagine being 130 years old and everyone you were close to has already passed away, yet you still have another 870 years ahead.

Artificial Intelligence

As technology continues to advance over the years and more rapidly, artificial intelligence is taking over certain jobs. Some creators of A.I. have stepped away and are now warning authorities about the dangers of A.I. that such further development would be unethical and harmful to society. A.I. can mimic a person’s voice, which can be used for fraudulent activity and robbery.

Calling a customer service line and having to speak to some type of automated machine or A.I. is irritating. In addition, most websites only provide email or online communication via chat box, with no phone number provided.

Some stores with have no cashiers, only self check-out and taxi companies are trying to replace their drivers with auto-pilot. We already have cars with technology that allow the car to drive itself, park itself, swerve to the other lane if a car is coming, and possibly other features that allow a driver to be a passenger in the drivers seat. However, we all know that technology is not always reliable.

There’s a brain chip coming out that will help metal disorders and the depletion of memory and although the benefits are grand, with the chip embedded in the brain, it will take away that person’s ability to fully control his or her thoughts. The person that controls the chip can control that person’s thoughts.


As scientists keep pushing to unveil the mysteries of the universe and creation, the further they explore, the more they start to look to the spiritual world, thinking about the invisible hand of an ultimate creator.

Think of the creation of nature, the trees, the water, animals on sea or land, the stars in the sky, the plants, and the universe. It all comes or works together. Nature around us may be overlooked, but the creation of living, breathing things are very complex. The structure of a leaf, the way its flexible and waterproof, it can bend and not break in the wind and fall, yet be renewed every year. Small things to consider, but the design of nature is far beyond that any human can replicate. No human can create life or living things, only dead things that require batteries or electricity to charge in increments. Humans can create A.I. that can eventually think on their own, but it will never have life inside of it.

Think about a seed, so small in size, can be kept for many years, but when it’s buried under fertile soil, watered daily with some sunlight, life happens inside the seed and in a few days it sprouts and reaches toward the light. Eventually, it can become food for us or a large tree that can clean the air and or remove toxins from the ground. It can become a shelter or habitat for animals or insects. Nature itself glorifies its Creator.

As some humans feel that natural creation is not good enough and feel the need to alter our DNA, create 3D printed food, humans with nanotechnology that live for so long, or embed chips into our body to be controlled by a computer, they are over thinking the necessity of it all. They may have good intentions for it, but in actuality it’s an experiment with humanity. In this case, it’s important to remember that we humans did not create ourselves, but a higher being who understands the complexities of our body, mind and emotions; everything that we need and don’t need.

Although, many amazing inventions have blessed our life, there should be a line or stopping point that should not be crossed. A line where a breach of our own ethics, morale and dignity would be compromised; a line, that if crossed, can cause chaos, depression, a break-down of society, depopulation and diminish our own understanding of humanity.

It’s important to understanding our Creator and our purpose for creation. To trust that God already gave us what we need and has created nature around us to live, eat, have shelter, and build relationships with others, it would bring insight and understanding; to know where that line should be drawn. If we know what we need and what will harm us, we should know where to stop or what areas to keep technology out of our lives or from further advancing.