Apocalyptic World Agenda

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels.com

Leaders of the world play a vital role for the current and future state of society. The values that leaders hold play a significant role in their decision making, but what happens when a leader is mentally absent? Is he really making the decisions or is someone else working behind the curtain?

We all know that money can empower and should a leader’s decisions be compromised by selfish gain, morality is at stake. Without the fear or God, a good moral compass, dignity and courage to stand up for what it right, the followers of any leader, may be in danger. If the corrupt lead as an incumbent, hardworking tax money may become the means to fund corruption and a plan that will hurt us in the end.

I once worked in a business park that had pedestrian paths that would continue from one block to the next, ideal for a good run after work, which I ended up doing. After a week of running around several block, I took a different path and came across a shrine of flowers, candles and a cross next to the sidewalk. I told my co-workers about it the next day and they told me the story of how a business man who was shot dead in that location. This man was involved in a company that started off legit and slowly got involved in illegal business. He wanted out and told his partners. To prevent their illegal acts from being exposed, they shot him that day. As we live in an imperfect world where there’s greed, corruption and pain in some households, if look at the actions of some leaders and question it as self-gain dealings that are against society, it’s labeled as conspiracy theory.

Should the richest group of elites in the world fund the decisions made by the leaders of our country, what will become of society? It depends on the agenda of the elites or what some call, the deep state. If we read the articles that support the agenda of the United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Government Summit, Environmental Social Governance (ESG) or any other World Governing Organizations, many goals sound very beneficial to society with a significant emphasis on preventing climate change. After all, who would not want to save the earth, but what if it meant significantly cutting food production, eating fake meat or even bugs? What if it meant reducing the population by significantly decreasing the birthrates? Even more horrific, what if the agenda required all of us to be tracked in the name of climate change for the reason to track carbon emissions? Sounds crazy, but it’s happening.

Our current leader, the man who hold the highest position in power, seems to half asleep most of the time. He often looses his train of thought and forgets where he’s supposed to go, yet many people are still voting for his second term. If the current leader of the country is loosing control over his own thoughts, then who’s making these decisions for our country? The border is wide open. When he took office the first thing he did was to stop building the wall. The laws allow people that come in here illegally to be released into our country, while some with a clear record who apply for a tourist visa legally get rejected. Not only do we let people who come to our country illegally, stay, but they are rewarded with free healthcare, lodging, education, and money, while all the hardworking tax payers are paying for all of it. Although humanitarian aid is a good thing, you wouldn’t want to take 10,000 people into your house and feed them because, you just don’t have the capacity or the means for it, just as our country. An open border means easy access for drugs, criminals and human trafficking to come into our country and the fact that our president has widened it since he’s taken office, makes one wonder how he’s benefiting from it.

Bill Gates, who is involved with the WEF, has invested in the fake meat business and had bought out so much farm land that he may actually be the one who owns the most of it in this country. He believes in the integration of technology and food beyond genetic modification, but to a point where it may change our own DNA. These WEF leaders want to push this fourth industrial revolution which involves integration our own human biology with technology hoping to get us to a point where we can live for a thousand years. With nanotechnology, this infusing of technology can be done via injection. The UN had an article that described the benefits of eating bugs for protein.

Farmers around the world are being told to cut back on production and are protesting. All in the name of the environment under ESG, Sri Lanka cut back on production and it lead to starvation and a revolt against the leader of the country. They stormed his house, trashed it and took some belongings.

Many companies are going for the ESG rating now a days. You see it on the websites of many companies. I’m not sure if they get paid to follow ESG requirements, but they do get some type of rating. Elon Musk had spoken about the ESG rating, saying that the S stands for Satan, after they gave him a low rating when he started supporting the right. The social part of ESG is associated with a transgender agenda, just look at Bud Lights commercial that led to a loss of billions of dollars. Parents are fighting school boards for allowing books with pedophilia and graphic material to be in their libraries and taught in class. All the while, gender-surgery hospitals are popping up all over the nation profiting off of the woke curriculum taught in high-schools. These hormone blockers given to children for transitioning can lead to impotence further leading to a decrease in birthrates.

One of the slogans of the WEF for society is “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy and you’ll have no privacy.” Why is it that the thinkers of the WEF believe they should be making decisions for how we should live our lives. One of the speakers believes that freedom is not a human right. Another spoke about how everyone’s carbon footprint can be tracked. We are already being tracked with our phones and can be listened to by our devices, even our smart TV. If we use Siri, our information is being collected, what we watch, search, go, and with Apply pay, what we buy. China took this several steps further with facial recognition to access almost everything, most importantly, bank accounts. Cameras on the streets record faces and people are given points. If you have a low rating, you may not be able to fly anywhere.

China is already on a digital currency, but our country, as well as others are also working to get there. Although it may be convenient for transfers, if the power goes out it can be an issue, but what’s far more worrisome, is the ability of the government to easily freeze accounts within seconds. It would be a great tool for a dictator.

All it takes is one corrupt leader in this country to get us to the same communist ways where everyone will be controlled and the media used as a tool to convince us that what is morally wrong is actually right or even further, what is trending. The massive spending in our country is hurting our country, degrading the dollar. With high inflation, poverty increases and financial struggles comes crime. People escape from other countries to find refuge in another, but what if there was a one world government, where would one flee? Elon Musk had mentioned once at a WEF meeting that one government for all nations is a threat to the survival of humanity. If one country falls, others will still stand, but if the only government in the entire world crashes down, then we are all doomed.

Where Technology Needs to Stop

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Pexels.com

Technology has helped our lives in many ways, making living easier, innovations more possible and opening up many doors of exploration and discovery. We should all be thankful for the technology we use today that has improved work or life at home. My most valued piece of technology is the smart phone that has apps, which allows me to find any place anywhere at anytime, as long as I have a connection.

If technology has done so much for us, why not keep moving forward innovating into other areas? For the most part, we have all benefited, but at what point or areas in our life do we leave technology out?

There’s so many social media platforms and companies that provide email services, yet collect all your information. No longer do you have privacy or get to decide what they collect.

Then there’s the metaverse, a made up virtual world where people can escape reality and never meet with people face-to-face, but via avatar. A place where people can spend money buying virtual things that you will never get to wear, smell, taste or physically live in. How much time would we spend living and interacting with people outside of reality in a virtual body?

Impossible food

When it comes to our food, there are some delicious tasting drinks and desserts, yet are extremely processed, chemically formulated with ingredients that are hard to pronounce. As enjoyable as these foods may be, they can cause much harm to our body.

If our bodies were created to take on food in its pure or organic form, when we eat fake processed foods that our bodies do not recognize, it may not know what to do with it. The more fake or processed, the worst off it will be.

This whole impossible meat thing is marketed as a great thing, as if healthy. Now, fake-meat is being printed to look like real meat. Don’t eat meat, just eat vegetables that are highly processed, have lost almost all its nutrients and have preservatives added in to keep the fake meat patty preserved. It would be better to eat a portabella mushroom in place of a fake patty, at least it’s real and unprocessed.

Super humans

If not for technology in our food, it seems to be making its way into our bodies through other means, such as vaccines. Scientists have already created vaccines with nanotechnology. Imagine microscopic technology moving around your veins with the other cells in your body. The vision for the fourth industrial revolution seeks to create “super humans,” via nanotechnology in the body. This technology is supposed to heal or fix our body internally. In addition, the goal is to change the DNA of the body to allow humans to live for 1000 years. Who really wants to live for that long? Imagine being 130 years old and everyone you were close to has already passed away, yet you still have another 870 years ahead.

Artificial Intelligence

As technology continues to advance over the years and more rapidly, artificial intelligence is taking over certain jobs. Some creators of A.I. have stepped away and are now warning authorities about the dangers of A.I. that such further development would be unethical and harmful to society. A.I. can mimic a person’s voice, which can be used for fraudulent activity and robbery.

Calling a customer service line and having to speak to some type of automated machine or A.I. is irritating. In addition, most websites only provide email or online communication via chat box, with no phone number provided.

Some stores with have no cashiers, only self check-out and taxi companies are trying to replace their drivers with auto-pilot. We already have cars with technology that allow the car to drive itself, park itself, swerve to the other lane if a car is coming, and possibly other features that allow a driver to be a passenger in the drivers seat. However, we all know that technology is not always reliable.

There’s a brain chip coming out that will help metal disorders and the depletion of memory and although the benefits are grand, with the chip embedded in the brain, it will take away that person’s ability to fully control his or her thoughts. The person that controls the chip can control that person’s thoughts.


As scientists keep pushing to unveil the mysteries of the universe and creation, the further they explore, the more they start to look to the spiritual world, thinking about the invisible hand of an ultimate creator.

Think of the creation of nature, the trees, the water, animals on sea or land, the stars in the sky, the plants, and the universe. It all comes or works together. Nature around us may be overlooked, but the creation of living, breathing things are very complex. The structure of a leaf, the way its flexible and waterproof, it can bend and not break in the wind and fall, yet be renewed every year. Small things to consider, but the design of nature is far beyond that any human can replicate. No human can create life or living things, only dead things that require batteries or electricity to charge in increments. Humans can create A.I. that can eventually think on their own, but it will never have life inside of it.

Think about a seed, so small in size, can be kept for many years, but when it’s buried under fertile soil, watered daily with some sunlight, life happens inside the seed and in a few days it sprouts and reaches toward the light. Eventually, it can become food for us or a large tree that can clean the air and or remove toxins from the ground. It can become a shelter or habitat for animals or insects. Nature itself glorifies its Creator.

As some humans feel that natural creation is not good enough and feel the need to alter our DNA, create 3D printed food, humans with nanotechnology that live for so long, or embed chips into our body to be controlled by a computer, they are over thinking the necessity of it all. They may have good intentions for it, but in actuality it’s an experiment with humanity. In this case, it’s important to remember that we humans did not create ourselves, but a higher being who understands the complexities of our body, mind and emotions; everything that we need and don’t need.

Although, many amazing inventions have blessed our life, there should be a line or stopping point that should not be crossed. A line where a breach of our own ethics, morale and dignity would be compromised; a line, that if crossed, can cause chaos, depression, a break-down of society, depopulation and diminish our own understanding of humanity.

It’s important to understanding our Creator and our purpose for creation. To trust that God already gave us what we need and has created nature around us to live, eat, have shelter, and build relationships with others, it would bring insight and understanding; to know where that line should be drawn. If we know what we need and what will harm us, we should know where to stop or what areas to keep technology out of our lives or from further advancing.

The Trap of Becoming Technology Dependent

unrecognizable hacker with smartphone typing on laptop at desk
Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels.com

Technology is becoming so much more advanced and paired with the internet, it’s become a dependency. I look back to the time when I did not carry a cell phone. The only technology I carried with me was a pager. Then cell phones became popular, only being used for phone calls. Now that I can take an internet connection with me wherever I go, it’s difficult not to have a smart phone.

When I purchased my first smart phone, which was the iphone 4s, I filled my phone with so many apps. After a while, I realized that I only needed a few, just enough to fill up the home screen. The most helpful app has been maps. I can be anywhere, find a place I need to go like the gas station or the closest coffee shop and get there using my phone. I would never want to go back to following directions off of a piece of paper.

Technology has definitely helped to improve our lives or at least, make it easier, but is there a line to be drawn on how dependent we should be on technology? This brings to mind, alexa by amazon or siri on the iphone. Some people are so dependent on alexa that they have their whole house connected to its capabilities, such as security cameras, turning on the lights, playing music and locking the doors.

Aside from the convenience of having so much information at the palm of your hands for your own benefit, unfortunately someone else is benefiting from collecting your information and selling it to companies to market products to the user. Some companies go so far as to track your travels, where you go, what time or what conversation you had with someone. I saw a video recently about a couple that had their house dependent on alexa. They were having a conversation about the floors of their house. Turns out their conversation was unknowingly recorded and sent to a friend of theirs. Now, alexa is unplugged and out of their house.

While driving, one can ask siri a question, given that they have an iphone and siri will answer. Siri can give directions, find the closest gas station, schedule an event on your calendar, and answer a question one would type on a search using the internet. It’s like having your own personal assistant, on your phone.

If you’ve ever wondered how you all of a sudden you receive an advertisement for something that you were just talking about, you could have been recorded. If you use Siri, it’s tracking and recording you, just check out the settings under Siri and privacy for each app. I previously had a google email account and I would use google maps on my phone, then I came to a page that had all the information on where I traveled to, the routes and what time. After that, I deleted my account and never used google maps again. Even when you browse through youtube or google, if you are logged in, then all that information is being recorded, what you searched for so that the right advertisements will come your way. I now use duckduckgo and firefox focus for privacy reasons.

It seems, every time I have to sign up for something new online, there’s always an option to sign in with google, facebook or apple. It’s just another way for these companies to collect more information from people. How about the latest cars that are coming out that are self-driving and can easily connect to the internet? It wouldn’t surprise me if that would also be collecting information from its user.

It worries me how far these companies are going with our information and how dependent we are becoming on technology and the internet. If we are already getting our privacy breached with the technology in our homes, in our purse or pocket, image if it were inserted underneath our skin. People are already getting microchips implanted underneath their skin to open doors, pay for products, start their car, unlock their phones and now, in Sweden, as a vaccine passport. I thought only animals should be tracked or chipped, now we are the animals.

China already has a point system in place to keep track of its citizens. There are cameras all over the streets that record people by facial recognition and establish points based on their actions. If points are low, they are limited to travel and do other things. If China is going on a digital currency and people access their bank account with facial recognition, image how much more control the CCP can have over their citizens?

We already have smart phones that unlock with facial recognition and plans of the U.S. having its own digital currency, along with the rest of the world. We also have an unconstitutional mandate in our country that punishes the UN-vaccinated, limiting them to their own human rights. Vaccine microchips are not too far away from reality in this country. All we need is an evil dictator to rule our country and create more mandates that violate our freedom, take away our constitutional rights, violate our personal protection and privacy and push microchips on all of us with the help of the media to make it look like a great thing or monetary persuasion. With the chip and facial recognition, we can all be controlled and tracked down easily and with the help of self-driving cars, we can be held hostage in our cars and taken to a place against our own will. It’s a scary thought, but look at what’s happening around the world. Even more frightening is thinking about the evil dictators of the past, what they have done and how they achieved their goals with the help of their own people.

15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

Revelation 13: 15-18

Metaverse Life Outside of Reality

purple and white abstract painting
Photo by Mo on Pexels.com

Life can be tough sometimes, to a point where daydreaming or living outside of reality can be an outlet to not think about the hardships in life, but how far or how long is too much? At what stage do we need to get to in order to realize that living in a virtual world for a lengthy amount of time becomes very unhealthy.

I had a friend who had a boyfriend who would just come over her house and play video games on her large screen TV. Although he was physically present, mentally, he was gone, into the video game. I admit, playing video games can be fun, but just as other things, it can become an addiction. It takes one’s mind out of reality, especially if it involves wearing VR goggles.

Now, instead of a game just being a source of entertainment, Facebook or now, Meta, wants their users to live a life outside of reality. If you’ve seem Facebook’s video where Mark Zuckerberg is introducing Facebook’s transition as now, Meta, he presents himself in a virtual environment with his own avatar. His avatar goes into another virtual space with other avatars, associated with other real people. There’s a clip where other avatars meet up to celebrate a birthday party in virtual reality. What’s a birthday party without a real cake to eat or making goofy memories with friends in person? Will this younger generation be making memories with their avatar friends in virtual reality? The video is very troubling in a sense with the question of, what is this technology going to do to the younger generation? Rather than meeting their friends in person, they will meet virtually, in a metaverse. This virtual world can become a constant outlet to mentally and visually leave reality.

Will their identity be their avatar and the house they live in a virtual home and what happens when they step outside of their virtual world, will it be a blow to real life? I can’t imagine how much damage Meta/ Facebook will be doing to this younger generation, but it doesn’t matter to them, because they will be profiting off the hours that users will spend online and what they will be purchasing to stay in their metaverse. There’s exploration inside a pre-programmed virtual world, but no hands on innovation or creativity. Take the internet away and what are kids left with?

Some forms of technology seem to be taking person to person interaction to a halt. First transitioning from a phone call to texting. Furthermore, virtual reality or via the metaverse where you meet with people with your self-made avatar and interact with their avatar in a fake or made-up world. If you have the funds, you can use some $3000 priced goggles for a better experience.

Being in a virtual world may be a dynamic experience when playing video games, but when it starts to get to a point where you start spending hundreds, thousands or millions on things that will always live in a computer, like a piece of the meta verse, clothes or items for your avatar…I mean…come on…really? Don’t we like to live in a tangible world and receive real hugs, breath in fresh air, watch the sunset, sit by a lake, feel the wind and hear the leaves rustle in the wind?

The Innovative Covid Vaccine Mandate

These days, the outlook on societal issues, deemed right or wrong seem to stem from the influence of certain news sources and liberals in power. As a conservative, if you live in a liberal state, you feel ripped off. All those tax dollars you paid to the state and you get poo-pooed on with bogus new laws pushed on everyone. Mandates being passed are unconstitutional, unsafe, unfair or not well thought-out, like defunding the police or the latest, vaccine mandates.

I was told the other day, that people without the vaccine are handicap. Although those that recovered from covid have antibodies and are more resistant than people that are vaccinated, the vaccine is still being forced on them. In addition, children below 12 years old have less than a 0.1% chance of dying from covid yet, the government and schools want them vaccinated. That’s like mandating the seasonal flu shot on kids.

There are people that don’t qualify to get the vaccines because of their health condition. If they get it, they will die or their body can be permanently damaged, listed on Pfizer’s website. Nonetheless that doesn’t stop big government from forcing all of society to get vaccinated or be jobless or be unable to enter a public space. Unvaccinated people are being treated as less human, it’s pretty much discrimination.

What most people don’t know is that the vaccines currently being used in the U.S., Pfizer & Modena are a new type of vaccine that has taken two decades to get passed and would not have if it weren’t for the rush to get it out. The new part of it was the mRNA which holds a spike from the covid virus. Some sources say that the body doesn’t produce antibodies with the vaccine until covid is detected in the body, yet other sources say it takes two weeks to produce antibodies. Vector vaccines like J&J or Astra-Zeneca are similar, but don’t contain an mRNA. They contain an adenoviral vector, which contains genetic material. Some scientists say that these vaccines can’t change ones DNA or damage it, but others say that it can enter into the nucleus of our cells with evidence to show.

Sources say that the only other time the mRNA vaccine was used on humans was during the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The CDC says that the reason the mRNA vaccine took so long to pass was that it was unstable, which was solved by using a lipid. The production of an mRNA vaccine was more efficient and less costly to produce than the traditional, which carries a weakened form of the germ, not a mRNA strand.

Reports have shown that some have died from getting the vaccine, after being forced by their employer. Others have had temporary or permanent damage in their body. Considering this and the fact that it’s a new type of vaccine, no one should be forced to get it, most especially, people who don’t need it.

Some might be questioning why many religious people are against getting the vaccine. Possibly because stem cells from aborted babies were used for testing. These are stem cells that multiplied from fetal tissue.

I’m tired of hearing people talk hypothetically about an unvaccinated person getting someone else sick who’s already been vaccinated. That’s the whole point of getting vaccinated is to protect yourself from getting utterly sick from covid.

I get why people would get the covid vaccine to protect themselves, especially if they’re in the vulnerable age group or have preexisting conditions or just scared to get covid, but what I don’t agree with is taking away peoples right to choose. We are after all, a free country with a constitution that says so, not a dictatorship.