Apocalyptic World Agenda

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on Pexels.com

Leaders of the world play a vital role for the current and future state of society. The values that leaders hold play a significant role in their decision making, but what happens when a leader is mentally absent? Is he really making the decisions or is someone else working behind the curtain?

We all know that money can empower and should a leader’s decisions be compromised by selfish gain, morality is at stake. Without the fear or God, a good moral compass, dignity and courage to stand up for what it right, the followers of any leader, may be in danger. If the corrupt lead as an incumbent, hardworking tax money may become the means to fund corruption and a plan that will hurt us in the end.

I once worked in a business park that had pedestrian paths that would continue from one block to the next, ideal for a good run after work, which I ended up doing. After a week of running around several block, I took a different path and came across a shrine of flowers, candles and a cross next to the sidewalk. I told my co-workers about it the next day and they told me the story of how a business man who was shot dead in that location. This man was involved in a company that started off legit and slowly got involved in illegal business. He wanted out and told his partners. To prevent their illegal acts from being exposed, they shot him that day. As we live in an imperfect world where there’s greed, corruption and pain in some households, if look at the actions of some leaders and question it as self-gain dealings that are against society, it’s labeled as conspiracy theory.

Should the richest group of elites in the world fund the decisions made by the leaders of our country, what will become of society? It depends on the agenda of the elites or what some call, the deep state. If we read the articles that support the agenda of the United Nations (UN), World Economic Forum (WEF), the World Government Summit, Environmental Social Governance (ESG) or any other World Governing Organizations, many goals sound very beneficial to society with a significant emphasis on preventing climate change. After all, who would not want to save the earth, but what if it meant significantly cutting food production, eating fake meat or even bugs? What if it meant reducing the population by significantly decreasing the birthrates? Even more horrific, what if the agenda required all of us to be tracked in the name of climate change for the reason to track carbon emissions? Sounds crazy, but it’s happening.

Our current leader, the man who hold the highest position in power, seems to half asleep most of the time. He often looses his train of thought and forgets where he’s supposed to go, yet many people are still voting for his second term. If the current leader of the country is loosing control over his own thoughts, then who’s making these decisions for our country? The border is wide open. When he took office the first thing he did was to stop building the wall. The laws allow people that come in here illegally to be released into our country, while some with a clear record who apply for a tourist visa legally get rejected. Not only do we let people who come to our country illegally, stay, but they are rewarded with free healthcare, lodging, education, and money, while all the hardworking tax payers are paying for all of it. Although humanitarian aid is a good thing, you wouldn’t want to take 10,000 people into your house and feed them because, you just don’t have the capacity or the means for it, just as our country. An open border means easy access for drugs, criminals and human trafficking to come into our country and the fact that our president has widened it since he’s taken office, makes one wonder how he’s benefiting from it.

Bill Gates, who is involved with the WEF, has invested in the fake meat business and had bought out so much farm land that he may actually be the one who owns the most of it in this country. He believes in the integration of technology and food beyond genetic modification, but to a point where it may change our own DNA. These WEF leaders want to push this fourth industrial revolution which involves integration our own human biology with technology hoping to get us to a point where we can live for a thousand years. With nanotechnology, this infusing of technology can be done via injection. The UN had an article that described the benefits of eating bugs for protein.

Farmers around the world are being told to cut back on production and are protesting. All in the name of the environment under ESG, Sri Lanka cut back on production and it lead to starvation and a revolt against the leader of the country. They stormed his house, trashed it and took some belongings.

Many companies are going for the ESG rating now a days. You see it on the websites of many companies. I’m not sure if they get paid to follow ESG requirements, but they do get some type of rating. Elon Musk had spoken about the ESG rating, saying that the S stands for Satan, after they gave him a low rating when he started supporting the right. The social part of ESG is associated with a transgender agenda, just look at Bud Lights commercial that led to a loss of billions of dollars. Parents are fighting school boards for allowing books with pedophilia and graphic material to be in their libraries and taught in class. All the while, gender-surgery hospitals are popping up all over the nation profiting off of the woke curriculum taught in high-schools. These hormone blockers given to children for transitioning can lead to impotence further leading to a decrease in birthrates.

One of the slogans of the WEF for society is “you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy and you’ll have no privacy.” Why is it that the thinkers of the WEF believe they should be making decisions for how we should live our lives. One of the speakers believes that freedom is not a human right. Another spoke about how everyone’s carbon footprint can be tracked. We are already being tracked with our phones and can be listened to by our devices, even our smart TV. If we use Siri, our information is being collected, what we watch, search, go, and with Apply pay, what we buy. China took this several steps further with facial recognition to access almost everything, most importantly, bank accounts. Cameras on the streets record faces and people are given points. If you have a low rating, you may not be able to fly anywhere.

China is already on a digital currency, but our country, as well as others are also working to get there. Although it may be convenient for transfers, if the power goes out it can be an issue, but what’s far more worrisome, is the ability of the government to easily freeze accounts within seconds. It would be a great tool for a dictator.

All it takes is one corrupt leader in this country to get us to the same communist ways where everyone will be controlled and the media used as a tool to convince us that what is morally wrong is actually right or even further, what is trending. The massive spending in our country is hurting our country, degrading the dollar. With high inflation, poverty increases and financial struggles comes crime. People escape from other countries to find refuge in another, but what if there was a one world government, where would one flee? Elon Musk had mentioned once at a WEF meeting that one government for all nations is a threat to the survival of humanity. If one country falls, others will still stand, but if the only government in the entire world crashes down, then we are all doomed.

Freedom & Corruption

If you live in California, most likely you’re a Democrat and if you live in the city, most likely you’re a liberal. Then there’s the oddball like myself, that out of everyone in the office, I’m the only Conservative. If you don’t hate Trump like everyone else, then you’re wrong and there’s something wrong with you. It’s expected that I’m supposed to see everything the way MSNBC or CNN tells the story. I’ve learned long ago that CNN is fake news. If I search for the word “news” on YouTube, MSNBC pops up, secondly, CNN. I have to type in the news channel I want for it to pop up.

I admit that if I were to the only watch MSNBC & CNN, I would seriously hate Trump and think he’s a complete fool, racist and believe that he has control over a virus. Most of the media is very biased and wants to steer people’s opinions.

Facebook and Twitter censor information. They delete it before many people can see it. They’re filtering what they want people to believe.

Fortunately, there’s other news out there that tell another side of each story and a unfiltered version of Trump.

The news blames Trump for the number of people killed by Covid, which is the stupidest thing. First of all, it’s a novel virus, in other words, “didn’t see it coming.” These type of viruses come every decade. Each state has their own mandates. Trump doesn’t mandate covid restrictions at every state, but people act like he’s supposed to have full control over the virus and believe that Biden would do a better job, but look at how he handled H1N1, not so good.

Even before Trump won in 2016, while he was running, I thought he was an egotistical, sexist man who was mean and enjoyed firing people. Okay so he still likes to fire people, but the more I watched and listened to him and the more I heard about the way other people that personally know him talked about him, my perspective started to change.

Yes, he’s like a loose canon sometimes or in other words he’s harshly blunt. He’s not politically correct and he probably doesn’t care about offending people or trying to look like a perfect guy. He’s a harshly blunt man who’s actions for the people speak louder than his words. Whereas, there’s the politically correct, despite the creepiness or not making any sense, Biden who seems like a nice guy. So sad that people would vote for someone because he’s seems nice an non-offensive or that he’s safe. Although, he seems nice, after all those years in the government, didn’t do much. He’s a nice but no actions man.

I’ve always trusted actions over words. There’s always the charming speaker but a snake on the inside. For someone to cheat to win an election, that person should never lead this nation. It’s a disgrace. Why else would he be in his basement instead of campaigning? Why else would they ask if Trump would leave peacefully? He knew he couldn’t beat Trump so he had to cheat and now there’s way too much evidence to deny it. This going to the Supreme Court and if proven guilty for cheating, why the heck would he be sworn in as President. We can’t shame our country and say it’s okay to cheat. Corrupt politicians need to start going to jail.

Biden is not for the people of this country. It would’ve been obvious after being in government for 47 years. He’s a puppet for the elite. Why else would they have been paying him hundred of millions of dollars to run against Trump, it’s for their own gain.

One of the very important things to think about is that Trump is pro life. Harris & Biden would allow late term abortion, even after birth. Hitler saw no value for the life of a Jew, in the same sense, abortion is in no regard for the life of the un-born that doesn’t have a voice to speak. Sacrificing babies was an occult ritual for some ancient tribes in South America. They would kill babies on an alter, sacrificing them to their false gods. Trump’s goal is to fully defund abortion. No tax payer should have funds taken off their paycheck to fund killing babies in the womb & Hollywood loves abortions. They feel that it makes them powerful and that it’s feminist to have a choice to kill. There’s nothing feminist about it. Women are to nurture not be cold-hearted killers or a life living inside of them. I admire any woman who would give their baby up for adoption rather than end its life. Now if you’ve already had an abortion, God can forgive you and I hope turn to be pro-life.

Trumps team, is fighting human trafficking, cracking down on criminals and drugs coming into our country by getting the wall built. There are many against him that want all that to come into our country. He protects the freedom of religion & the freedom to own a gun.

One of the biggest things is the fact that Trump wants to take power away from the government and give power to the people. Biden is supported by people who want a socialist government. They want government healthcare and to get rid of private healthcare, which means that if the government mandates chips for healthcare, we would be forced to get chipped. Same thing if they cause a recession and most people end up on unemployment, they can mandate a chip for purchases. A corrupt politician that can be moved by money for unethical purposes, should never lead, most especially, our nation.

I admire Trumps continuous getting up and going to work after all the utter disrespect that everyone has spoken against him, all the lies and mockery. I admire how he has not become a bitter angry person after what he’s had to go through.

Why does Twitter and Facebook block him? Why do most people in Hollywood hate him? Why is the media against him?

They’re not supporting Biden because he’s a nice guy or they think he could do a better job, he will support their agenda even if it’s unethical and will take away our freedom. Bill Gates wants to push a digital certificate for everyone to regulate covid cases, which could mean that we would all get chipped.

I’m glad that he cheated in the election with Trump because only Trump would be the type of person to not walk away from something that was so obviously rigged. This is not just revealing corruption in our country, this is about revealing corruption around the world. For someone to cheat in the election, it defies our democracy. It takes away everyone’s right to vote. If Trump got the majority of the votes that are valid, he won.

But regardless of the count, someone that cheats on an election should never lead our nation. It’s a shame to our nation, our freedom and our democracy.

I’m praying that this election will be over turned because this is about our freedom, honesty and dignity of our nation. I hope that corruption will be exposed and justice will be done to those involved.

Freedom and Corruption

If you live in California, most likely you’re a Democrat and if you live in the city, most likely you’re a liberal. Then there’s the oddball like myself, that out of everyone in the office, I’m the only Conservative. If you don’t hate Trump like everyone else, then you’re wrong and there’s something wrong with you. It’s expected that I’m supposed to see everything the way MSNBC or CNN tells the story. I’ve learned long ago that CNN is fake news. If I search for the word “news” on YouTube, MSNBC pops up, secondly, CNN. I have to type in the news channel I want for it to pop up.

I admit that if I were to the only watch MSNBC & CNN, I would seriously hate Trump and think he’s a complete fool, racist and believe that he has control over a virus. Most of the media is very biased and wants to steer people’s opinions. Facebook and Twitter censor information. They delete it before many people can see it. They’re filtering what they want people to believe. Fortunately, there’s other news out there that tell another side of each story and a unfiltered version of Trump.

The news blames Trump for the number of people killed by Covid, which is the stupidest thing. First of all, it’s a novel virus, in other words, “didn’t see it coming.” These type of viruses come every decade. Each state has their own mandates. Trump doesn’t mandate covid restrictions at every state, but people act like he’s supposed to have full control over the virus and believe that Biden would do a better job, but look at how he handled H1N1, not so good.

Even before Trump won in 2016, while he was running, I thought he was an egotistical, sexist man who was mean and enjoyed firing people. Okay so he still likes to fire people, but the more I watched and listened to him and the more I heard about the way other people that personally know him talked about him, my perspective started to change.

Yes, he’s like a loose canon sometimes or in other words he’s harshly blunt. He’s not politically correct and he probably doesn’t care about offending people or trying to look like a perfect guy. He’s a harshly blunt man who’s actions for the people speak louder than his words. Whereas, there’s the politically correct, despite the creepiness or not making any sense, Biden who seems like a nice guy. So sad that people would vote for someone because he’s seems nice an non-offensive or that he’s safe. Although, he seems nice, after all those years in the government, didn’t do much. He’s a nice but no actions man.

I’ve always trusted actions over words. There’s always the charming speaker but a snake on the inside. For someone to cheat to win an election, that person should never lead this nation. It’s a disgrace. Why else would he be in his basement instead of campaigning? Why else would they ask if Trump would leave peacefully? He knew he couldn’t beat Trump so he had to cheat and now there’s way too much evidence to deny it. This going to the Supreme Court and if proven guilty for cheating, why the heck would he be sworn in as President. We can’t shame our country and say it’s okay to cheat. Corrupt politicians need to start going to jail.

Biden is not for the people of this country. It would’ve been obvious after being in government for 47 years. He’s a puppet for the elite. Why else would they have been paying him hundred of millions of dollars to run against Trump, it’s for their own gain.

One of the very important things to think about is that Trump is pro life. Harris & Biden would allow late term abortion, even after birth. Hitler saw no value for the life of a Jew, in the same sense, abortion is in no regard for the life of the un-born that doesn’t have a voice to speak. Sacrificing babies was an occult ritual for some ancient tribes in South America. They would kill babies on an alter, sacrificing them to their false gods. Trump’s goal is to fully defund abortion. No tax payer should have funds taken off their paycheck to fund killing babies in the womb & Hollywood loves abortions. They feel that it makes them powerful and that it’s feminist to have a choice to kill. There’s nothing feminist about it. Women are to nurture not be cold-hearted killers or a life living inside of them. I admire any woman who would give their baby up for adoption rather than end its life. Now if you’ve already had an abortion, God can forgive you and I hope turn to be pro-life.

Trumps team, is fighting human trafficking, cracking down on criminals and drugs coming into our country by getting the wall built. There are many against him that want all that to come into our country. He protects the freedom of religion & the freedom to own a gun.

One of the biggest things is the fact that Trump wants to take power away from the government and give power to the people. Biden is supported by people who want a socialist government. They want government healthcare and to get rid of private healthcare, which means that if the government mandates chips for healthcare, we would be forced to get chipped. Same thing if they cause a recession and most people end up on unemployment, they can mandate a chip for purchases. A corrupt politician that can be moved by money for unethical purposes, should never lead, most especially, our nation.

I admire Trumps continuous getting up and going to work after all the utter disrespect that everyone has spoken against him, all the lies and mockery. I admire how he has not become a bitter angry person after what he’s had to go through. Why does Twitter and Facebook block him? Why do most people in Hollywood hate him? Why is the media against him?

They’re not supporting Biden because he’s a nice guy or they think he could do a better job, he will support their agenda even if it’s unethical and will take away our freedom. Bill Gates wants to push a digital certificate for everyone to regulate covid cases, which could mean that we would all get chipped.

I’m glad that he cheated in the election with Trump because only Trump would be the type of person to not walk away from something that was so obviously rigged. This is not just revealing corruption in our country, this is about revealing corruption around the world. For someone to cheat in the election, it defies our democracy. It takes away everyone’s right to vote. If Trump got the majority of the votes that are valid, he won. But regardless of the count, someone that cheats on an election should never lead our nation. It’s a shame to our nation, our freedom and our democracy.

I’m praying that this election will be over turned because this is about our freedom, honesty and dignity of our nation. I hope that corruption will be exposed and justice will be done to those involved.